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Who are We

Nkeza Foundation works in transforming many lives in communities and among the youths.


Our Founder

Mr Kelvin Simukondwi


Nkeza Foundation was founded by Mr Kelvin Simukondwi following an engagement and the knowledge obtained through the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) NETWORK. Mr Simukondwi is an Alumni of the YALI Region Leadership Centre Southern African (RLC SA), Online Cohort 8 in Leadership in Public Management and Governance.


Mr Simukondwi was born on 29th October, 1986 in Siasuntwe Village, Siavonga District of Southern Province in Zambia. As a young man, Mr Simukondwi grew up in a community were scarcity and calamity was the order of the day and he saw firsthand, the pain and suffering caused by poverty. He grew up in rural and remote places of Nanga and Nega-Nega in Mazabuka District, Southern Zambia.


Following his completion of grade 12 (form V) from Monze Boarding High School in 2004, Mr Simukondwi engaged in voluntary work with the local youth organisation called Youth Development Organisation (YDO) were he was involved in Spearheading HIV and AIDS prevention programmes and advocating for the rights of children and women in the community.

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Promoting community partnership and involvement in caring and supporting People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLHAs) and empowering vulnerable youths with life skills and provide them with vocational tools. He developed an increased demand for HIV prevention and sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) services from youths and conducting advocacy campaigns on youth messages on HIV prevention and SRH. He participated in promoting participatory and life skills training among youths so that they can take a greater control of their lives and make an informed choice regarding their Reproductive Health and worked to promote the image and reputation of the organization.


Later in 2006-2007, Mr Simukondwi volunteered with Southern Partners Organisations (SPO), formerly HODI, a not for profit NGO, which was initially engaged in elimination of child labour among tobacco growers and later focused on Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)nin Namwala and Choma’s Southern Province of Zambia. Other responsibilities involved assisting the Community Development Officer (CDO) in Spearheading Community Led Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) projects in HODI Namwala DRR areas. Help the CDO in facilitating the identification, selection and location of disaster-prone sites for project establishment. Help in conducting Disaster Risk Assessments (DRAs). Assist in facilitating development of community Action plans to address Disasters. Help in Training communities in Participatory Capacity Vulnerability Assessment (PCVA) and aid Capacity building of community in Disaster Risk Reduction management circle. Assist Facilitate documentation of indigenous local knowledge on Early Warning Systems. Training communities in new Agriculture technology system for adaptation. Monitoring and Evaluating DRR activities under HODI/ NFA catchment area. Training of satellite community-based Disaster Management Committees. Aid Facilitate development of Disaster Preparedness Plans. Training vulnerable households in the establishment of long-term income generating activities. Training Fishermen on fishing policy and Training Fishermen on fish marketing and market linkages. Facilitate livelihood skills training in resilience and adaptation in DRR.


From 2007-2011, Mr Simukondwi went to Natural Resources Development College (NRDC) where he finished his Higher National Diploma in Water Engineering. In 2012 he established a home in Namwala where he got his first job with the Ministry of Local Government in the Government of the Republic of Zambia at Namwala Town Council (the council). At the Council, Mr Simukondwi had a responsibility of co-ordinating all water and sanitation programs in the district and ensure intersectional cooperation and participation within the District Water Sanitation and Hygiene Education (D-WASHE) Committee; Liaise between the District Council and other stakeholders on all WASHE activities; Ensure that all stakeholders in the district are brought on the D-WASHE committee; Ensure that the cross-cutting issues gender, HIV/AIDS, good governance (including transparency and accountability) and environment are integrated in all WSS operations; and Ensure the establishment, maintenance and updating of an evaluation system.


In 2018 Mr Simukondwi moved to Sinazongwe District and it was at this time that he saw the suffering of many people and it stirred his heart to think of the challenges the rural communities faced with basic needs like water and sanitation. With a strong conviction to do something to help the poverty-stricken people of Southern Province in Zambia, he enrolled into the YALI RLC SA program that started a grassroots movement called Nkeza Foundation.


A visionary beyond his time, Mr Simukondwi dreams of an organization administered by people who see the benefits of empowering people in need to make their own decisions, and improve their own lives. His idea is unique: to help others by working from the bottom up, with no self-interest and an understanding of the dignity that every person has.


Under his guidance, Nkeza Foundation would grow into one of the foremost development agencies in Africa, reaching thousands of people with its programs, which invest in people and not things; strengthening the capacity of community organizations while realizing full human potential.


Nkeza Foundation currently works in 2 districts helping people develop, manage and sustain their own programs. Nkeza Foundation does not give away food or material aid. Instead, it provides training so that people gain the skills and leadership to work together for change. The result is self-reliance, rather than dependence on external aid.


You will learn about this organization that believes in treating illnesses, not symptoms, by providing realistic answers to some of our world’s most basic problems. And these answers are the result of actively listening to the needs of rural people and then determining how to effectively fix those problems by offering education and training, not by giving away food or material aid.


Through Mr Simukondwi’ eyes, you will witness the kind of walking compassion that transcends language, dogmas and cultural barriers.



Our Team


Evelyn Moonga



Evelyn Moonga (Mrs) is the Director at Nkeza Foundation. She is a teacher by Profession, a graduate of Zambia Open University (ZOU). Evelyn is goal oriented, committed to achieving the desired result with little or no supervision, Industrious, disciplined, reliable, self-motivated and highly focused. Dynamic and motivated professional with a proven record of generating and building relationships, managing projects from concept to completion, designing educational strategies, and coaching individuals to success. Skilled in building cross-functional teams, demonstrating exceptional communication skills, and making critical decisions during challenges. Adaptable and transformational leader with an ability to work independently, creating effective presentations, and developing opportunities that further establish organizational goals.


Evelyn is talented to undertake initiatives on programme tasks. She is of sober mind and high integrity. Evelyn has good planning and organizing skills and excellent personal, communication and problem solving skills. She’s a self-starter, driven and motivated. Evelyn has the ability to work with own initiative and innovative while paying attention to policies, guidelines, regulations and other laws governing such a system. She is willing and able to work with people of different cultural background and she is a team player, flexible concerning working hours sharing tasks.


Evelyn has been a School Manager at Cherith and Namonde Academy for a period of two (2) years. She has also served at the Electoral Commission of Zambia as an Electoral Officer.



Douglas Mudenda

Marketing and Public Relations Manager


Douglas Mudenda was born on 23rd October, 1994 in Siasuntwe Village, Siavonga District of Southern Province in Zambia. He was raised up in rural and remote places of Siachitema Village in Kalomo District, Southern Zambia. Later after the demise of his father in 1998, the family moved to Lusaka and settled in Chawama compound where He did his Primary and Junior Secondary School Education. After successfully completing his Junior secondary education, Douglas Mudenda moved to Namwala District where he was staying with his Uncle. In 2011 he was offered a place at Namwala Secondary School where he completed his grade 12.


Following his completion of grade 12 from Namwala Secondary School in 2013, Douglas Mudenda engaged in voluntary work with the local youth organisations. In 2015 He was engaged with the Electoral Commission of Zambia where he worked as Assistant registration officer-filled, he then worked as a presiding officer for the 2016 general elections of Zambia.


In 2017 Douglas Mudenda was accepted at Natural resources Development College (NRDC) where he obtained a Diploma in water Engineering. In 2019 He joined Nkeza Foundation where He is currently working as Marketing and Public relations Manager.

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